Marilyn Brooks speaking at the YWCA Muskoka’s Monthly Networking Luncheon
BRACEBRIDGE, June 9 – Marilyn Brooks will be speaking on Friday June 26, 2009 at the YWCA Muskoka’s Monthly Networking Luncheon. She will be discussing “40 Years of Fashion and Business”. Included will be a slide presentation as well as a question and answer period.
The luncheon is part of a series of women’s luncheons held on the last Friday on the month in Bracebridge. They include a guest speaker, catered lunch and is designed to facilitate networking among program participants, graduates and all women within the community.
Luncheons are from noon to 1:00pm. There is a $10 cost for non-YWCA members and $5 for YWCA members.
Bracebridge Luncheons, YWCA Muskoka,
440 Ecclestone Drive, Bracebridge
Noon – 1 pm